Stuck In The Mud

The crypto sector is clearly attempting to produce a long term floor, which is evidenced by the series of higher highs and higher lows we’ve seen on both BTC and ETH. However there’s a problem and it’s a pretty glaring one. Both are distinct lagging behind the bounce in equities:

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The Fuse Has Been Lit

As we are slowly approaching the end game of the grandest monetary experiment of the 21st century I sometimes ponder what the Fed could do to turn things around. Throw in the towel and continue with another round of QE? Yes that may work, for a while at least if done on a massive scale. Remember that central banks worldwide are increasingly pushing on a string as every round of monetary easing requires exponentially larger amounts to have an impact.

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Back To The Fomo

After treating water for weeks on end bitcoin is finally on the move again – except now it’s suddenly heading HIGHER. You’d think everyone would be popping the champagne but just as I predicted the legion of shell shocked crypto HODLers just flipped from FUD back to FOMO.

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Hard Landing

Given all the FUD, noise, rumors, and ‘angst’ in circulation it once befalls onto yours truly to dispense with all formalities and give it to you straight and to the point: Strap yourself in and watch out below because the Fed is coming in for a hard landing. Meaning we’re not just heading into an extended economic recession but most likely a full blown (and utterly self-inflicted) deflationary depression.

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Nuts And Nuttier

On December 22nd, 1944, while holed up in the Ardennes Forest American General McAuliffe was sent an ultimatum from his German counterpart outside of the town, demanding “the honorable surrender” of the town within two hours. General McAuliffe’s reply was brief and succinct: “To the German Commander: N U T S !” And the rest of the story of course is now history.

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Wake Up – Time To Die

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Odessa. I watched broken dreams of effervescent markets glitter in the dark near the gates of the Eccles Building. All those moments will be lost in time…. like tears in rain…. Time to die…”

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GOOD news and BAD news…

Okay let’s start with the BAD news first and then top it off with some GOOD news. We certainly could use more of the latter these days. First up the financial markets as a whole are royally screwed. Only exception perhaps would be energy and commodities right now (later down the line they’ll crash as well, but we’re not there yet).

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Something’s Cooking

If you’re feeling a wee bit overwhelmed by the non-stop doom & gloom and the depressing news that seems to be saturating the mediascape these days then you’re certainly not alone. Given the increasing chaos that inches ever closer to home it’s easy to find yourself stuck in a rut or to fall prey to a sense of hopelessness and fear of the future. My personal remedy to weather through what I call the ‘age of despair’ (you heard it here first) is very simple.

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Bounce Attempt

It’s been a busy time in the trading lair for (good) reasons I plan to share in the very near future. Of course the market waits for no man (or woman) and given that market sentiment has swung decisively fatalistic it’s time to look for early signs of a bounce.

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The story of LUNA – WTH Happened?

It’s difficult to explain it all in layman terms, but I’ll give it my best shot. None of what follows below should be taken as chiseled in stone and it’s only my personal theory. As always do your own research, and if you come up with a better theory be sure to let me know.

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