Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Next Frontier

After three months of having to endure another frustrating prison term in crypto purgatory two important inflection points – both in BTC and ETH – were suddenly breached on Sunday night. As a result over $100 Million worth of over leveraged short positions where effectively taken to the woodshed in one single session. With the momentum effect once again active across the entire crypto market the overarching sentiment among crypto investors and traders has now flipped from FUD back to FOMO.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Signs Of Recession

After half a century of economic expansion the prospect of recession is once again rearing its ugly head, except this time around it promises to be unlike anything any contemporary has ever experienced before. Back in the 1970s we at least had the benefit of great music, fun movies, and top notch comedy with which to console ourselves whilst waiting in line at the gas station. This time around we’re also being treated to food shortages and the growing possibility of WW3 involving Russia and China. Interesting times indeed!

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

The Fed Sees Its Shadow

Well that was easy! All it took was a full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in combination with run away double digit inflation across the entire Western hemisphere for our friends at the Federal Reserve to jump into action and raise the FFR by a whopping 25 basis points. Undoubtedly that should do the trick and I am very much looking forward to paying $3.00 at the pump again as early as next week. For one liter that is – not one gallon.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

The Art Of Hedging

I have long given up trying to make sense out of the giant mess the world as a whole now seems to have maneuvered itself into. While the respective political camps are engaged in an information war eager to point fingers at each other keep in mind that none of that will change the realities on the ground. Which are now becoming ever more sinister by the day. It is my sincere belief that a large part of what is currently unfolding is self-inflicted and the direct result of a long and apparently never ending sequence of bad decisions, all of which are now in the process of converging into an economic disaster of biblical proportions.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago