Monthly Archives: July 2021

Treading Water

Sometimes trading opportunities stare you right in the face but most traders are either unable or unwilling to see them. A lot of that has to do with what many refer to as one’s personal ‘lens’. But honestly the reality is that many traders have a tendency to stick with what they already know and the way they do it, even if that has been proven to not yield positive results on a long term basis.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

How To Use A Time Machine And Profit As A Trader

Don’t you sometimes wish you could somehow travel backwards in time and place a few trades based on what you know? Or perhaps travel forward and then return with next year’s football almanac or next week’s lottery numbers? Unfortunately my time machine is still in the shop but in the interim I can do you a solid and teach you the next best thing: How to interpret the financial news to your advantage and consistently bank mighty coin in the process.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Bitcoin Touching 40k – We Are Back Baby!

Much to the chagrin of all those detractors and doubters … Bitcoin just hit $40,000 overnight. Yes, it happens that fast in a bull market. From zero to hero. Which is exactly why I didn’t design the system to jump in and out of tethers or what have you for (perceived) safety. You know who you are 😉

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Embrace The Dark Side

Remember this quote? “FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE….. FEAR leads to ANGER….. ANGER leads to HATE…. HATE leads to SUFFERING…. And SUFFERING leads to stupid ass trading decisions you’ll regret later down the line.”

Okay I made up that last part but if Yoda was an investor I’m sure he would have included it.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Finance Big Tech Boogie Woogie

Well that didn’t take very long. Much to the collective chagrin of the perma-bears (i.e. the majority of retail traders) this effervescent equities market seems to always have another trick up its sleeve. In actuality it’s the same old trick over and over again, but per the time tested maxim: if it ain’t broken don’t fix it.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Why You Are Missing Out On The Best Setups

Not even two months ago I kept receiving a flood of emails from readers and even old friends who asked me if it was a good time to buy bitcoin.

My standard reply was – and continues to be – that it’s *always* a good time to buy bitcoin. Mainly because unlike in trading my investment window is measured in months and years – and not in days or weeks.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Getting Ready To Pounce

I’m not one to engage in lofty predictions but I’m getting a strong sense that the crypto market is ready to pounce. And about bloody damn time, if you ask me. The crap fest we’ve been enduring for over two months now is starting to get old.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Everyone Is Confused – And We Like It That Way

Here’s another golden rule of trading you will never hear in the financial mainstream media: The less information the market yields, the more participants will attempt to fill the resulting vacuum with noise. Which is exactly why market makers love the summer slump as it’s high season for selling over priced OTM calls and puts to hapless retail traders.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

The Whales Are Back!

Brilliant timing being back as I am seeing some interesting developments in the crypto markets right now. Before we get to that here’s a quick update on my medical trip to Barcelona where I had my left eye operated at the world renowned IMO clinic. If you don’t care I honestly don’t blame you, just scroll down a bit to get to the charts.
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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago


Investor sentiment has fundamentally changed post-COVID and it’s going to take a MAJOR market correction to revert it back to what I would consider normal. Until that happens we will continue to face a skewed marketplace that is effectively suffering from an acute bout of futurophobia.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago