Monthly Archives: October 2021


If you’re feeling a bit stumped right now by the current ramp higher you are not alone. In fact a lot of things in this market don’t make much sense to me at the moment. Which in turn led me to lower my exposure in equities weeks ago and that implicitly means I am not just talking my book.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Hot Seat Monday

I’ve had what one may call an ‘interesting weekend’ which dragged on into nearly 5:00am Monday morning. That’s right – the fun never stops at the evil lair and you can imagine how I’m feeling today. Anyway, with only a handful of neurons left to spare let’s not waste time on cheeky remarks and jump right into the weekly stats:

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

It’s Never Too Late For Bitcoin

With Bitcoin trading near its all time highs a lot of people have emailed me over the past week asking if it was too late to buy Bitcoin. And my answer has remained the same it has always been:

It’s never too late for Bitcoin!

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Writing On The Wall

I’m still wrapping up my site stack migration and only have enough time to drop a few salient charts. Nevertheless it’s worthwhile pointing out that we’ve been picking the swings like a runny nose over the past few weeks, which was no small feat.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Crossing The Line

Yesterday was an awesome opportunity to bank a nice chunk of easy coin. That of course assuming you were able to leave your mental hangups at the door where they belong and act on the ample evidence that was literally screaming us in the face.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Price Perspectives

I caught the SPX on a longer term panel today and a few things immediately stood out to me. First up we are most definitely in a corrective phase, which is obvious simply by looking at the chart. No indicators or quant magic needed.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Welcome To The Most Explosive Week Of The Year

Ladies and leeches, this is your pilot speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts and return your tray table to its full upright and locked position. We are heading into a potentially explosive week during what has already been a rather explosive year. Be advised that in the unlikely event of a water landing, it’s every man and woman for themselves!

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Delivered As Ordered

The equities market has been flailing around like a nudist bee keeper chasing hapless hedgers from one side of the EM range to the next. Of course we had anticipated an increase in (realized) volatility as the historical stats advised us that we had entered the most volatile trading period of the year.
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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Ready To Pass The Baton?

October starts with a bang and a legion of misinformed retail traders assume that we’re heading straight into the next bear market. Not impossible of course given what’s going on but even IF we’re heading that way on a medium to long term basis (still doubtful) we are still going to see a bounce preceding it. Here’s why and how to take advantage:

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

Is October A Bad Month For Traders?

With summer and the dreaded vacation season finally behind us I am already looking forward to the wild swings the fall and winter seasons may have in store for us. For volatility opens the door to juicy trading opportunities and that’s what we’re all about here at Red Pill Quants.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago