Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Final Stretch

All the civic chaos and social brinksmanship notwithstanding U.S. equities have brazenly continued to march higher and higher since the activation of the riot brigade. Much to the chagrin of a legion of political arsonists who would love nothing more than to see our entire nation go up in flames. Continue reading

  • Mike
  • 4 years ago

Riots Rally

A day or two ago I was cruising around on reddit as I am subscribed to a few hobby related groups as well as some related to crypto currencies. To be honest I haven’t been dabbling much in crypto since early last year but it’s always good to keep one’s ear to the ground, as they say.

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  • Mike
  • 4 years ago

Retain Your Sanity

I have always refrained from commenting about politics as there are a myriad of sources out there plus I generally deem it to be counter productive to our mission at hand. Which of course is to succeed as traders in the financial markets – period. As such today will be no exception. But watching events in Minneapolis and other U.S. cities unfold over the weekend I could not help but feel a growing sense of surrealism above anything else.

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  • Mike
  • 4 years ago