Monthly Archives: January 2020

The Rising Sun Of The 2020 Trading Decade

Good morning people of the financial galaxy.. It’s a lovely gray and snowy day here in Chicago. We haven’t had much snow yet this winter and it’s been warm(er), which is kind of a bummer for me. Many of the local ski mountains have had crappy conditions with the warmer weather. By crappy, I mean icy which turns all runs into double black diamonds as the sun starts setting in the afternoon when it’s way up in the mid 30s.

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  • Mike
  • 5 years ago

The Setting Sun Of The Old School

Good morning top dog traders of the Evil Speculator domain of the internet. I’m sipping my bullet proof decaf cafe’ this morning after I spent some time putting together my tunes for my DJ set at Afrika Burn this year. AfrikaBurn, South Africa’s sanctioned version of Burning Man, takes place about 6 hours outside of Cape Town in the middle of the African desert in late April. It’ll be my first experience living from a make shift home in a Backie which is the South African equivalent of a U-Haul.  Continue reading

  • Mike
  • 5 years ago

Scary Setups

If I could have a penny for every setup I felt enthusiastic about and that invariably blew up in my face I would be… well, a lot richer than I am. To be honest when it comes to picking juicy entries off a chart I rank about average. What may set me apart from the rest, and what has helped me survive in a wide range of market conditions over the years was learning to overcome my instincts and engage in setups that scared the heck out of me.

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  • Mike
  • 5 years ago

Dirty Capitalist Pig’s Guide On How Bull Markets End

All political and social drama notwithstanding dirty capitalist pigs like us have been doing rather well throughout 2019. So the big question going into 2020 is whether or not we are finally ‘due’ for a large scale market correction upon which we are finally ready to embrace the new socialist utopia lurking at the horizon. Don’t ask me because I’d probably the first one in line being handed a cigarette plus a blindfold and as such I may be somewhat biased.

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  • Mike
  • 5 years ago

Launching The Decade In Style

The teens are over and done with and we’re now heading straight into the roaring twenties. I know it’s supposed to be hip to be all cynical and black pilled these days; but let me be among the first to buck this nauseating trend and predict that it’s going to be an awesome decade for anyone serious about being successful – and most importantly the very few willing to put in the work.

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  • Mike
  • 5 years ago