Monthly Archives: December 2021

More Lumps Of Coal For The Bears

Shoving lumps of coal up the bear’s hindsides has been a long standing EOY tradition, and at least in that respect 2021 did not disappoint. Of course if you happen to live in Europe where energy prices are currently exploding after German regulators – in their infinite wisdom – decided to postpone the certification of Nord Stream 2 to spring next year, then all those coal filled stockings may just get them through the winter without being tarred, feathered, and carried out of town on a rail.

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  • Mike
  • a couple of years ago

The Move From Hell

I’m going to spare you the sordid details but in a nutshell our move from Valencia up to the North of Catalonia has effectively blown up in our faces. Two moving companies in succession screwed us over, which means we are currently sitting in our Valencia apartment surrounded by a few dozen boxes while we are considering our options. Which are quickly diminishing as Christmas is only a few days away. I’m literally writing this post on my MBP positioned on top of an old shoebox.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

On The Move

First up apologies for my perennial absence over the past month. As you may recall I’ve been planning to move my operation up to the North of Spain for quite some time now. Even before the COVID crisis life in Valencia had become too stressful and noisy as tourism exploded during the past decade. The constant drumming of the NYT and various travel publications for Valencia being the #1 expat destination frankly didn’t help matters.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago