Public Service Announcement

Instead of the usual market report I need to issue a public service announcement. At RPQ, running a clean ship has always been our #1 priority – we keep everything out in the open and we’re always completely transparent with what we are doing.

So here’s what’s up…

We’ve hit a little bump in the road with our Payday Friday Beta.

We’ll spare you the gory details, but in short I did some digging over the past weekend and there seem to be some inconsistencies relating to the weekly symbol selection.

Specifically in Week 41 (the week prior the current one) – CEM should’ve been on the BUY list but it was mistakenly excluded.

Of course per Murphy’s Law, CEM turned out to be a HUGE winner and it would’ve been a nice week for us had it been included…

Which sucks blocks, but that’s what Beta’s all about – finding and fixing any kinks in the system.

Be this as it may, we have to do right by our subs. Some of you may be tempted to trade the system live and it needs to work perfectly.

So for the time being, we’ve decided it’s best to hit the pause button on the system until we’ve addressed any inconsistencies.

Once we’re confident any kinks have been sorted, we’ll kick the Beta back into gear and start sending you the weekly reports again.

That may be as soon as this week but obviously we should not rush things.

Of course, we’ll be extending everyone’s access from when we start trading again.

In the meantime, we’ll be hard at work crossing all out T’s and dotting our I’s, making sure everything’s rock-solid…

So hang tight until then, and we’ll have an update for you soon!

  • Mike
  • 10 months ago

About the Author

Hey there, I am one of the founding members of Red Pill Quants. I used to work as a systems engineer in Silicon Valley until I left the industry in 2008 to become a full time quant trader. It's been fun ever since.