Gravitas Launch Day

The time has FINALLY come!! Today is launch day for GRAVITAS – my revolutionary trend trading system which will allow you to DOUBLE your money this year from crypto.

If you saw Friday’s email, you’ll know that I am giving a special “thank you for supporting me” offer to my inner circle before we go public with this system.

It’s a quick action deal exclusive only to my long term supporters, so let’s dive right into it….

But first…

Let me ask you a question…

How much would it be worth to you…

– To completely eliminate the volatility risks of crypto…

– To receive LIVE signals which tell you when Bitcoin & Ethereum will go up or down…

– To earn a consistent and reliable income in all market conditions…

– To never have to worry about picking the right side of the tape…

– To trade the two biggest crypto currencies on cruise control…

– To be profitable while others get wiped out in volatile market conditions…

So how much would that be worth to you?

Because for all that and more… I could easily charge thousands of dollars for it.

But I’m not going to do that.

Here’s the bottom line…

When we launch GRAVITAS to the broader public, it’s going to be a $2000 dollars per year.

Which is still a heck of a deal – I’m a professional and I would happily pay TWICE that to have access to a trend system of this caliber.

But for YOU, right here and right NOW, this is what I offer:

You won’t pay $2000 dollars like everyone else…

You won’t pay $1000…

You won’t even pay $500…

Because starting today – for a limited time – you can sign up for ONLY $97!

Let me say that again – ONLY $97 for 12 months of unlimited access.

That works out to only $8 per month!

The price of two cups of coffee (inflation is a biatch) to completely eliminate crypto’s greatest weakness!

And not just that – you’ll also get our Double Your Money Minimum Guarantee.

Meaning, if you aren’t profitable in your first 12 months of trading with GRAVITAS, we’ll let you use it FOR FREE until you’ve AT LEAST doubled your money.

That’s how confident I am that GRAVITAS will deliver on everything I’ve promised.

But WAIT! Before you sign up for one year you may want to consider an alternative.

NOPE, there’s no freebies. I’m already bending the laws of physics with this incredible deal 😉

But ONLY this week, and ONLY for my loyal followers here at Red Pill Quants, I’m also offering LIFETIME access to Gravitas for only $297.

That’s right – sign up today for only $297, enjoy a daily market trend update on both BTC and ETH for the remainder of your time on this mortal coil.

Worth every single penny given the value. So you may want to quit smoking and hit that gym!

This is a fast-action deal for the first 100 people.

CLICK HERE to get instant 12-month access for only $97 or CLICK HERE to sign up for life for only $297 and never pay me another cent again.

But don’t delay, because once the first 100 people have joined in, we’ll close down this offer and it’ll be gone forever.

And if you have any questions about Gravitas just email me here and I’ll get you sorted.

  • Mike
  • last year

About the Author

Hey there, I am one of the founding members of Red Pill Quants. I used to work as a systems engineer in Silicon Valley until I left the industry in 2008 to become a full time quant trader. It's been fun ever since.