Monthly Archives: March 2021

Paging Mister Griffin

Since launching this trading blog in August of 2008 I’ve literally lost count of the numerous times when I watched the financial markets edge toward the abyss only to be stick-saved by some last minute incantation issued by our revered high priests of finance. Similarly I have long lost count of all the people who attempted to ‘fight the Fed’ and in the end paid the ultimate price of seeing their entire trading capital wiped out, either gradually or in a theta fueled pyre that even would put Burning Man to shame.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Breaking Point

Bond futures are in free fall and we are quickly approaching a situation where the floor may give way underneath whatever has been holding up the stock market over the past month. Of course you wouldn’t be a regular on Evil Speculator if you did not recall the many times we have peeked over the proverbial abyss only for the Fed to step in and stomp all over the bears. Lucy has had some fun over the past 12 years and clearly it’ll take a bit of finesse to gauge direction and play the swings.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

Trouble In Paradise

Whether you admit it or not the market has us all trained like Pavlov’s dogs. Grab yourself a copy of Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) or The Prince (Niccolò Machiavelli) and one thing becomes painfully. Despite all our technological advances human nature in essence has not changed one bit. And believe me when I tell you that Ms. Market has a bonafide PhD in how to press our buttons, a.k.a. the scientific study of fuckwithretailology.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago

The Prospect Of Green Shoots

It’s been almost 30 years since I’ve lived in Northern Europe and among several personal reasons a major incentive to leave for warmer climates was that I don’t care much for six months of non-stop crappy weather. The are two things I absolutely miss every single year however. One is a white Christmas (yes, I’m hypocrite) and the other is a real spring, especially early spring when the snow begins to melt and the first snowdrops push their tiny heads through the remaining vestiges of snow. And based on the numbers it also happens to be a good time for equities. So let’s review the freshly updated monthly stats for March.

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  • Mike
  • 3 years ago